When Jesus performed his first miracle at the wedding in Cana, the hosts admitted to Jesus that they had run out of wine and were powerless. Then they trusted him to provide what they knew they could not, and in faith obediently did what he told them...which ended up being a miracle.

If they hadn’t run out of wine, they wouldn’t have seen the miracle!! If they hadn’t run out of what they provided themselves (which tasted ok), they wouldn’t have tasted the far better wine that Jesus provided for them. If they hadn’t admitted their powerlessness to Jesus and asked for help, they wouldn’t have seen him do what had never been done before.

Ok hold up. If this was true then, it’s still true now. What if, instead of still trying to pull myself up by my own bootstraps over and over and over again in an attempt to prove who I am to everyone (including myself) — what if I just admitted to Jesus I was powerless, and asked him for help?

What far better thing am I missing out on (that God wants to provide) because I’m over here trying to control my life and prove my worth? When I run out of what is needed, God not only supplies what I need, he provides something better than what I had before.

So here’s me running out and giving up. Here’s me admitting that I have tons of weaknesses. I’ve run out of ways trying to fix myself and control the course of my life. Here’s me admitting that I am powerless, and asking Jesus to help. Here’s me trusting Jesus for a miracle, and obediently joining him. Because the God I know loves to provide not just what I need, but something better. (MIND BLOWN HOW COULD THIS BE REAL)

This isn’t self-help. It’s self-get-out-of-the-way. Then I get to watch Jesus do miracles.
