I am dust, and to dust I shall return.

I find myself this Ash Wednesday very aware of my limitations. Aware that my finite body keeps me from doing so much of what I want to do. Aware that the depth of my experience of emotions can sometimes make me feel out of control. Aware that my sensitivities to the world around me are sometimes so overwhelming that at times I just want to hide.

I often view these as weaknesses. The enemy often uses them to try to convince me that I am a burden, I am unlovable, and I am unqualified for what I feel called to.

But the Voice of Love speaks a different word. Love says that it is not what I do, how “in control” I am, or how effective or influential I am that makes me worthy of love or worthy of my calling.

No, when Love first scooped up dust from the earth and breathed life into it — It knew full well the limitations of dust. But still, Love created something that It saw as worthy of love. Still, Love gave that dust a calling and a purpose.

It is not the strength of dust that Love relies on to accomplish Its purposes. Instead, the weakness of dust and its powerlessness to be anything on its own reveals the power of this life-breathing Love.

My body, my sensitivities, my emotions, my limitations — none of them disqualify me from what Love has called me to. These very weaknesses are actually my strength.

Oh what a glorious freedom it is to realize that we are merely dust! And oh, what a mystery is the love God pours out on us — we who are made of dust.
