a faithful witness
I have quite a history with evangelism (on all sides of the spectrum!). I invite you to consider along with me what it means to be a faithful witness to the transforming love of Jesus.
Created by G&P Creative for Wells of Truth, a series on the Gospel by Upper Arlington Lutheran Church. For more information, or to view the entire series, visit wellsoftruth.org
the why of worship: delight
Over and over, I need this reminder: the why of my worship is simply to delight the heart of the Father. I worship him out of a response of him already delighting in me! And when I remember this, it gets rid of all the things worship tends to become, and helps me delight in the Father as I worship him.
“Do you not care that we’re dying?”
It's one of the most familiar stories in the Bible. And perhaps one that has become a bit cliche. But I'm inviting you to become part of this story from Mark 4 -- let it happen to you. Yell with the disciples at Jesus - "Do you not care that we are dying?" And truly discover for yourself that he is the God who not only cares, but changes everything.
I have covid. On the way to the emergency room, I told God that if he healed me, I would tell the world my story. So here it is. (P.S. it ends differently than you think)
“how much?”
“How much is your faithfulness now, God?” Lamentations gives us not only permission, but an invitation to ask God the hard questions that we normally think are taboo. But at the same time, God is inviting us out of the despair that comes with being consumed with those thoughts.